Monday, October 30, 2006

Horizon - Secrets of the Star Disc

This is the extraordinary story of how a small metal disc is rewriting the epic saga of how civilisation first came to Europe, 3600 years ago.

Horizon - Secrets of the Star Disc

Monday, October 23, 2006

Manned Exploration of the Solar System

Another great hypothetical documentary that came out on the BBC. This details how the human race could theoretically explore the solar system via a manned mission spanning several years. Has some nice bits of drama/suspense mixed in.

BBC Space Odyssey - Voyage to the Planets - Part 1
BBC Space Odyssey - Voyage to the Planets - Part 2

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Stephen Hawking's Universe

As of now, I've watched the first part. Pretty good so far. Really puts astronomy in plain english terms and pulls together the basic principals involved, including a history of astronomy and how we have come to where we are today.

Why a Video Blog, and Where are the Videos of LagDaddy?

I started this blog because I was encountering an increasing number of very good video documentarires and other types of Videos online. Many of them are very one-sided propaganda pieces, and other are straight up documentaries from very credible sources like the BBC.

I'll chronicle the ones I find here, and give a little feedback about the source material as I do.

This IS NOT a video blog where I post videos from myself. That would be pretty boring I'm sure. :-D